• info@writingcommunity.ca
  • Toronto, Ontario

Comp Title webinar registration window closes

The opportunity to register for Shall I Compare Thee: A Crash Course in Comps has now ended. The webinar will be live tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. EST. Those who registered will receive the meeting link shortly. It will not be recorded. Thank you to everyone interested and stay tuned to WritingCommunity.ca for future learning opportunities. When you’re submitting a manuscript […]

Comp Title webinar registration now open

When you’re submitting a manuscript for representation or publication, you’re often asked to reference a relevant “comp” in your pitch. A comp (short for “comparable title”) is marketing shorthand. You are comparing your own project to another published project with which is shares similarities to prove that your work is marketable. Basically you’re saying, “If consumers liked that, they’ll definitely […]

GET TO YES workshop open for registration

Registration is open for GET TO YES: How to Land a Literary Agent! Quick pay link The workshop will be taught live on April 3, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. EST. The presenter is Jes Trudel, literary agent with The Rights Factory and founder of WritingCommunity.ca. The cost to attend is $30+hst CAD. Through this workshop, you will get an insider’s […]

Storied North writer’s retreat cancelled

The Storied North Writer’s Retreat is an opportunity for writers to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life so they can focus on writing in a uplifting, edifying environment. Unfortunately, due to low registration, we’ve had to cancel the planned April 2024 event. Postponed might be a better word because we would like to try again later […]

Storied North writer’s retreat open for registration

The Storied North Writer’s Retreat is an opportunity for writers to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life so they can focus on writing in a uplifting, edifying environment. Located at The Hive in Leskard, Ontario (one hour from downtown Toronto), this 3-day event includes writing workshops, one-on-one coaching, writing blocks, and ample down time to rejuvenate in a […]

Agent Jes Trudel has updated her #mswl

Founder of WritingCommunity.ca and literary agent Jes Trudel recently announced via socials that she has finished reading through all the existing queries in her inbox and will soon be re-opening to queries. As a result, she has updated her QueryManager form with the details. While Jes is not officially open to queries yet, the information will help writers plan ahead […]