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  • Toronto, Ontario
Literary Journals in Canada

Literary Journals in Canada

Past publication history looks great in an author bio, and literary journals are a great way to get your work out there without the typical wait times of traditional book publishing. Poetry, short fiction, essays and the like are constantly and voraciously being consumed by the journals on this list.

We’ve compiled a list of literary journals in Canada to find a home for your shorter work. If you’re looking for a book agent or publisher, try our list of Literary Agencies in Canada or Book Publishers in Canada.

To be eligible for this list, the literary journal must be based in what settlers call Canada. The journal can’t be simply a website that publishes people’s work on an ongoing basis; they must have physical or digital issues. We do NOT list any predatory publishers, or ones who promote hate speech. This list is thorough, but probably not complete. If you see someone on this list that you think doesn’t belong, or if you know of a literary journal we missed, reach out to us at info@writingcommunity.ca.

A journal’s presence here should NOT be taken as an endorsement or an invitation to submit. Please do your research. If you do submit, make sure you follow each journal’s submission instructions.

NOTE: CA in place of the province code means the literary journal has more than one office in multiple provinces, or the exact location of the journal’s operations within Canada is unclear.

DON’T FORGET ABOUT #CANLITPIT! Canadian magazines and literary journals are being invited to participate in the next #canlitpit.

Last updated October 06, 2022

List of Literary Journals in Canada

Acta Victorianahttp://actavictoriana.ca/ON
AE Science Fictionhttps://aescifi.ca/CA
Antigonish Review, Thehttps://antigonishreview.com/NS
Arc Poetry Magazinehttps://arcpoetry.ca/ON
Artery, Thehttps://www.lakeheadu.caON
Augur Magazinehttp://www.augurmag.com/ON
Blank Spaceshttps://www.blankspaces.ca/ON
Brick Magazinehttps://brickmag.com/ON
Broken Pencilhttp://www.brokenpencil.com/ON
Canadian Literaturehttps://canlit.ca/BC
Canadian Notes & Querieshttp://notesandqueries.ca/ON
Capilano Review, Thehttps://thecapilanoreview.com/BC
Carte Blanchehttps://carteblanchemagazine.com/QC
Cloud Lake Literaryhttp://www.cloudlakeliterary.ca/ON
Contemporary Verse 2http://www.contemporaryverse2.ca/en/MB
Dalhousie Review, Thehttps://ojs.library.dal.ca/dalhousiereviewNS
Dreamers Creative Writinghttps://www.dreamerswriting.com/ON
Feathertale Review, Thehttp://feathertale.com/review/ON
Femke Magazinehttps://femkemagazine.com/ON
Fiddlehead, Thehttp://www.thefiddlehead.ca/NB
Filling stationhttp://www.fillingstation.ca/AB
Freefall Magazinehttps://freefallmagazine.ca/AB
Funicular Magazinehttps://www.funicularmagazine.com/AB
Geez Magazinehttps://geezmagazine.org/MB
Gravitas Poetryhttps://andrewlafleche.com/gravitas-poetryON
Grey Ghost Reviewhttps://www.greyghostreview.com/BC
Hamilton Arts & Lettershttps://halmagazine.wordpress.com/ON
Hamilton Review of Bookshttp://hamiltonreviewofbooks.com/ON
Hart House Review, Thehttps://harthousereview.ca/ON
Humber Literary Reviewhttps://humberliteraryreview.com/ON
Into the Voidhttps://intothevoidmagazine.com/BC
Inuit Art Quarterlyhttps://www.inuitartfoundation.org/inuit-art-quarterlyON
Literary Review of Canadahttps://reviewcanada.ca/ON
Long Con Magazinehttps://longconmag.com/NS
MacroMicroCosm Literary & Art Journalhttps://macromicrocosm.tumblr.com/BC
Malahat Review, Thehttp://www.malahatreview.ca/index.htmlBC
​Montreal Review, Thehttp://www.themontrealreview.com/index.phpQC
Nashwaak Review, Thehttps://www.stu.ca/english/the-nashwaak-review/NB
New Quarterly, Thehttps://tnq.ca/ON
Newfoundland Quarterlyhttp://www.nqonline.caNL
On Spechttp://www.onspec.ca/AB
PACE Magazinehttps://www.pacemag.ca/ON
Pacific Rim Review of Bookshttp://www.prrb.caBC
Portal Magazinehttp://portalmagazine.ca/BC
Prairie Firehttps://www.prairiefire.ca/MB
Prairie Journal of Canadian Literaturehttp://prairiejournal.org/AB
Prism Internationalhttp://prismmagazine.ca/BC
Pulp Literaturehttps://pulpliterature.com/BC
Queen’s Quarterlyhttp://www.queensu.ca/quarterlyON
Ricepaper Magazinehttps://ricepapermagazine.ca/BC
Riddle Fencehttp://www.riddlefence.com/NL
Room Magazinehttp://www.roommagazine.comBC
Shrapnel Magazinehttps://www.shrapnelmagazine.com/CA
Taddle Creekhttp://www.taddlecreekmag.comON
The Puritanhttp://puritan-magazine.com/ON
The Windsor Reviewhttps://ojs.uwindsor.ca/index.php/windsor_reviewON
Understorey Magazinehttps://understoreymagazine.ca/NS
Vallum: Contemporary Poetryhttp://www.vallummag.com/QC