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  • Toronto, Ontario
Literary Agencies in Canada

Literary Agencies in Canada

Ever wondered, “How do I get a literary agent?” WritingCommunity.ca is a great place to start!

We’ve compiled a list of literary agencies in Canada to help you find someone to represent your book baby. If you’re looking for a more general list, check out our list of 365+ Literary Agencies Around the World.

This list is thorough, but probably not complete. To be eligible for this list, the literary agency must have at least one agent operating in what settlers call Canada, even if their head office is not here. Since most agents advertise where they live (for obvious reasons), we likely missed a few. We do NOT want to list any predatory agencies, or ones who promote hate speech. If you see someone on this list that you think doesn’t belong, or if you know of a literary agency we missed, reach out to us at info@writingcommunity.ca.

An agency’s presence here should NOT be taken as an endorsement or an invitation to submit. Please do your research. If you do submit, make sure you follow each agency’s (and agent’s) submission instructions.

NOTE: CA in place of the province code means the literary agency has agents in multiple provinces, or the exact location of the agent(s) within Canada is unclear.

Last updated April 8, 2021

List of Literary Agencies in Canada

5 Otter Literaryhttps://fiveotterliterary.com/ON
Agence Littéraire Laëns, l’https://agencelitterairelaens.com/QC
Ballpoint Literary Agencyhttps://www.ballpoint.agency/ON
Beverley Slopen Literary Agencyhttps://www.slopenagency.com/sa/ON
Bukowski Agency, Thehtpps://www.bukowskiagency.com/ON
Carolyn Swayze Literary Agencyhtpps://www.swayzeagency.com/BC
Cooke McDermid Literary Agencyhttps://cookemcdermid.com/ON
Donaghy Literary Grouphttp://www.donaghyliterary.com/ON
Helen Heller Agency, Thehtpps://www.thehelenhelleragency.com/ON
K2 Literaryhttps://k2literary.com/ON
Kelly Consulting Agencyhttp://kellyconsultingagency.com/ON
Lucas Talenthttps://www.lucastalent.com/BC
Mint Literary Agencyhtpps://mintliteraryagency.com/BC
P.S. Literary Agencyhtpps://www.psliterary.com/ON
Rick Broadhead and Associateshtpps://www.rbaliterary.com/ON
Rights Factory, Thehttps://www.therightsfactory.com/ON
Robert Lecker Agencyhttp://www.leckeragency.com/QC
Seventh Avenue Lithttp://www.seventhavenuelit.com/BC
Transatlantic Literary Agencyhtpps://www.transatlanticagency.com/ON
Westwood Creative Artistshtpps://www.wcaltd.com/ON
Willenfield Literary Agencyhttps://www.willenfield.com/ON

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