Book a literary coaching session
You now have the ability to book a one-hour coaching session with literary agent Jes Trudel. The purpose of these coaching sessions is to discuss what you’re working on, get general feedback on the project, and discuss a revision and/or publishing plan moving forward.
The cost of the session is $100+hst CAD. You can enjoy a one-on-one coaching session if you can afford this on your own, or you can share the cost with up to 4 other storytellers if you all write for the same audience (e.g. picture book, middle grade, etc.) and/or genre (e.g. contemporary, mystery, etc.). Of course, if you’re sharing the session, Jes will have less time to discuss the specifics of your particular project.
You may book a session with Jes in Calendly: https://calendly.com/jestrudel/coaching. If you’re sharing this coaching session with others, please invite them in Calendly so they will also receive the link to join on Google Meets. You can pay for your session via our Wave payment portal: https://link.waveapps.com/hc5m7q-23mvax.