• info@writingcommunity.ca
  • Toronto, Ontario
Comp Title webinar registration now open

Comp Title webinar registration now open

When you’re submitting a manuscript for representation or publication, you’re often asked to reference a relevant “comp” in your pitch.

A comp (short for “comparable title”) is marketing shorthand. You are comparing your own project to another published project with which is shares similarities to prove that your work is marketable. Basically you’re saying, “If consumers liked that, they’ll definitely like this.”

The type of similarity you might compare to can vary: genre, tone, plot, character, setting, style, themes, or something else entirely, but whatever it is, it must be comparable to your own work. Sounds simple enough, right?

Comps are one of the things I hear creators complain about the most, so maybe not! I used to have a Comp Title Curation Service, and it was by far my most popular service. I’ve heard it all:

  • “Why can’t I find anything that compares to my work?”
  • “Do comps really have to be published in the last 3 years?”
  • “The only thing I can find that compares to my book is a movie. Is that okay?”
  • “How do I find a comp that’s popular, but not TOO popular?”
  • “Why do I even need to find comps? I’m a creator, not a salesperson!”

Well, I’m glad you asked all those questions, and I will gladly answer all of them in my upcoming webinar: Shall I Compare Thee: A Crash Course in Comps. In the packed 45-minute session, you’ll learn what comps are, why you need them, where to find them, how to curate them, and what rules you need to follow…and how to break them responsibly. I’ll also try to answer the perennial question: are comps even necessary?

The webinar “doors” will open at 1:00 pm EST on February 27, 2025, but the teaching won’t begin until 1:10 to give everyone a chance to trickle in. There’s no need to arrive before 1:10 (unless you want to). It will wrap up at 1:55 p.m. EST. The cost to attend is $20 +hst.

Click here to register through our secure Wave portal.

Rates are in CAD. If you request a refund, exchange rates and fees may result in a less than full return. Alternatively, you can transfer your registration to someone else for its full value.

The registration window will close Wednesday, January 26 at 7 p.m. EST.

The email address attached to your payment is the email address that will be added to the Google event when I invite all the paid guests, so please make sure this email address is the one you want to be notified at and logged in through.

If you have questions, please email info@writingcommunity.ca.

Image of an apple next to an orange with text overlaid saying, "SHALL I COMPARE THEE: A CRASH COURSE IN COMPS. Find out what comp title rules you need to follow and how to break them...responsibly. WEBINAR: February 27, 2025 @ 1 pm EST. WritingCommunity.ca."


Headshot of Jes Trudel

Jes Trudel is a literary agent with The Rights Factory who spent 15 years prior to that as a freelance editor and storytelling instructor. She has taught workshops to thousands of people around the world. She’s been a guest presenter with SCBWI, the 12×12 Picture Book Challenge, Write For Kids, and TSNOTYAW podcast, and has contributed to BoldFace, Children’s Book Insider, and the SCBWI blog. She founded WritingCommunity.ca.