Storied North Writer’s Retreat
NOTE: Due to low registration, we’ve unfortunately had to cancel this retreat for April 2024. We hope to try again later in 2024.
The Storied North Writer’s Retreat is an opportunity for writers to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life so they can focus on writing in a uplifting, edifying environment.
At this time, the date of the next Storied North retreat has not been scheduled.
The program is geared towards writers of children’s literature, but the skills you will learn and the time you will have to write transcend audience and genre. Author/illustrators will also benefit from time at Storied North.
The host of Storied North is Jes Trudel. She spent 15 years as a freelance writer, editor, and storytelling instructor prior to becoming a literary agent with The Rights Factory. She has taught workshops to thousands of people around the world and has been a guest presenter with SCBWI, the 12×12 Picture Book Challenge, Write4Kids.org, and TSNOTYAW podcast. She’s also contributed to various outlets including BoldFace, Children’s Book Insider, and the SCBWI blog. She founded WritingCommunity.ca and organizes other writing-adjacent events such as Indie Author Book Expo North.
The writer’s retreat will take place over three days. The schedule will include the following:
1:00 p.m. Check in
2:00 p.m. Introductions and group activity
2:30 p.m. Workshop #1: Categories, Genres & Conventions of the Children’s Market
4:00 p.m. Writing block/one-on-one coaching
5:30 p.m. Free time
7:30 p.m. Q&A/discussion block
8:00 p.m. Writing block for night owls
5:00 a.m. Writing block for early-risers
9:00 a.m. Workshop 2
10:30 a.m. Writing block/one-on-one coaching
12:00 p.m. Free time
1:30 p.m. Group activity
2:00 p.m. Workshop 3
3:30 p.m. Writing block/one-on-one coaching
5:30 p.m. Free time
7:30 p.m. Q&A/discussion block
8:00 p.m. Writing block for night owls
5:00 a.m. Writing block for early-risers
9:00 a.m. Workshop 4
10:30 a.m. Writing block/one-on-one coaching
12:00 p.m. Debrief and goodbyes
1:00 p.m. Check-out

Workshop #1: Categories, Genres & Conventions of the Children’s Market
The kick things off, let’s make sure we all have the same understanding of modern children’s market terminology. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the breakdown of age categories in children’s literature, the various genres within each age group, and the market expectations in terms of length and story style in each. Examples of modern books in each category will be provided along with recommended reads. Jes will also talk about common mistakes writers are making when submitting to different categories, and talk about her favorite genres.

Workshop #2: Crafting Satisfying Endings with the Story Endings Matrix
In Enter the Matrix: Revolutionize How You Think About Story Endings, Jes Trudel will present her unique storytelling tool, The Story Endings Matrix. She’ll explain how the two main features of an ending — story goals and story outcomes — intersect throughout a story, not just at the end, and use use real examples from well known stories to illustrate the five unique endings that you can use to tell a truly thrilling tale.

Workshop #3: Get to Yes! How to Land an Agent
In Get to Yes: How to Land an Agent, Jes will explain the three questions every agent needs to answer when deciding to represent you. She’ll describe how queries are appraised by agents, what clues they’re looking for to determine their return on investment, and ultimately the key components that make them pick up the phone and say, “Yes!” Includes what unique features Jes is looking for in clients and projects.

Workshop #4: Accessing Arts Funding: What funders are looking for
Arts funding from organizations like the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council are available to Canadian artists of all types, including writers, illustrators, and other intersecting mediums. But how exactly to access this funding is, for many, a mystery. Using her experience both as a recipient of funding and as someone who served on a jury dispersing funding, Jes Trudel will provide attendees with an inside look at the process and provide practical tips for completing successful grant applications.
The location will be provided when a date for the retreat is scheduled.
Registration for this event is not currently open.