• info@writingcommunity.ca
  • Toronto, Ontario
What Do We All Have In Common? Stories.

What Do We All Have In Common? Stories.

We’ve been thinking lately about what it is that ties us all together. Whether it’s the television shows we watch, the 24-hour news cycle we can’t avoid, the books we devour, the speeches our politicians make, or the time we spend together just chatting, we’re all sharing stories. Whether it’s a good story, a true story, a relevant story is often the subject of much discussion, but we’re all fascinated by stories.

And that’s what binds together everything we do here. While we’ve put a lot of emphasis on resources for people who write books, our services cover a wide swath of other people who tell stories, from the picture book author/illustrator, to the businessperson developing their brand, to the nonprofit organization writing a media release. It’s all about telling your story, and telling it well.

We started out in 2020 as the pandemic began just using our domain name as our working title, WritingCommunity.ca. This was in part because it was uncertain times, but also because we really weren’t sure where this would go. We were playing things by ear.

Over these few years, we’ve had time to think about what we’re doing and where we’re going and what it is that drives us. Our resources are used not just by writers working on novels, but by all kinds of storytellers. And the courses and resources we have planned for the future are not just for book writers either. The people who rely on us are all kinds of people who consume and love stories. They’re readers, librarians, writers, entrepreneurs, speakers, and visual storytellers. They all orbit around the same axis: stories.

Soon we’ll launch our new brand. Our website domain will stay the same for now. Maybe one day we’ll change that too. But for now, we just want to make sure our purpose and our story is clear the moment you enter our site.

Stay tuned, and thank you for still tuning in after all these years.