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Writers: The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

Writers: The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

As writers, it’s easy to become distracted and stressed by all the what if’s and maybe’s of publishing. What if readers don’t like it? Maybe I’ll self-publish. What if I can’t find an agent? Maybe I’ll submit directly to a publisher. What if my story doesn’t fit a specific genre? Maybe I’ll save up and hire an editor. What if I’m doing this all wrong?

Some of these questions, maybe even all of them, are worthwhile questions to ask at some point, but not while you’re drafting your story. Ask any legit editor, agent, or other publishing professional and they will tell you that the only thing that matters is writing a full, solid story. Until then, there’s no point in thinking about how, when, and where you’re going to publish it.

Of course, then come the temptations: Twitter pitch parties, free query critiques, discounts on publishing webinars, free trials of editing services. FOMO sets in. You don’t want to miss out! And during the holiday season, it seems these opportunities present themselves ten-fold. “Give yourself the gift of…” this webinar or that membership or this service or that software. It never ends.

None of it matters until you have a full, final manuscript in your hand. It can be tempting to get a critique on the first chapter of your unfinished manuscript for a 50% discount, but until your story is done, you don’t know for sure that this will even be your first chapter of that future manuscript. Don’t jump the gun.

And then of course the noise of life sinks in. You’ve got a new responsibility at work. The kids need to get to their extracurriculars. Your partner is going out of town. Your favourite celebrity couple just split up. COVID!

This year, certainly, has been more stressful than most, but if you love writing, maybe writing is just what will lift your spirits. Let the voices of your characters drown out all the noise and just write.

When your family asks you want you want for Christmas, tell them you want space and time to write. If you don’t have anyone to ask this of, then give the gift of space and time to yourself. Space and time to write is all you need, and it’s the best gift you could give yourself this year (or any year).