• info@writingcommunity.ca
  • Toronto, Ontario

Author Talk with Liselle Sambury

On February 24, 2022, Jes Trudel, co-founder of WritingCommunity.ca, interviewed Liselle Sambury, author of Blood Like Magic and the upcoming Blood Like Fate. About the Author Liselle Sambury is a Trinidadian-Canadian author who grew up in Toronto, Ontario, and her brand of writing can be described as “messy Black girls in fantasy situations.” In her free time, she shares helpful […]

Canlitpit 2022 event announced with BIG changes!

Canlitpit is an event where Canadian writers pitch completed, polished manuscripts via tweet for publishing professionals to browse. If an agent, editor, or publisher hearts a pitch, it means “please submit this manuscript to me.” In 2021, canlitpit ran for the first time under new management. That day, we peaked at the #2 on the list of trending topic on […]

Anatomy of a Twitter Pitch #5

Pitching on Twitter is an art form unto itself. You only have 280 characters, including hashtags and spaces, to convince a publishing professional your manuscript will be worth the read. Not an easy task! Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some of the successful pitches from #canlitpit 2021 and show why we think the pitch got hearted by publishing […]

How to Write Without Editing

Originally published by NaNoWriMo.org as “How to Write Without Editing for the Sake of your NaNoing Sanity.” Every November, a battle cry can be heard across the globe as writers take up their sharp implements against a common foe—the editor within. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is when everyone asks the same question: is it really possible to write 50,000 […]

Anatomy of a Twitter Pitch #4

Pitching on Twitter is an art form unto itself. You only have 280 characters, including hashtags and spaces, to convince a publishing professional your manuscript will be worth the read. Not an easy task! Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some of the successful pitches from #canlitpit 2021 and show why we think the pitch got hearted by publishing […]