• info@writingcommunity.ca
  • Toronto, Ontario

Comp Title webinar registration window closes

The opportunity to register for Shall I Compare Thee: A Crash Course in Comps has now ended. The webinar will be live tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. EST. Those who registered will receive the meeting link shortly. It will not be recorded. Thank you to everyone interested and stay tuned to WritingCommunity.ca for future learning opportunities. When you’re submitting a manuscript […]

Comp Title webinar registration now open

When you’re submitting a manuscript for representation or publication, you’re often asked to reference a relevant “comp” in your pitch. A comp (short for “comparable title”) is marketing shorthand. You are comparing your own project to another published project with which is shares similarities to prove that your work is marketable. Basically you’re saying, “If consumers liked that, they’ll definitely […]

2023 Twitter Pitch Parties for Writers

**Due to the implosion of Twitter, this list is not currently being updated. We anticipate reorganizing this list in the future as pitch parties find new homes and new iterations, but we don’t know when that will be. Thank you for your patience. Pitch parties are occasional events on Twitter that help writers connect with agents and publishers. During these […]

Burst of Creativity Series 009

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 009: You sense something you weren’t supposed to. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, and what […]

Burst of Creativity Series 008

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 008: Without forewarning, you are now a parent. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, and what […]

Burst of Creativity Series 007

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 007: You invent something you think will change the world. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, […]