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  • Toronto, Ontario

Burst of Creativity Series 005

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 005: You have reached the highest point in your career and it’s time to make a change. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, […]

Take the Kidlit Questionnaire

The Kidlit Questionnaire is a fun way for writers and readers to get to know authors of kidlit. It’s also an opportunity for authors to promote their past and upcoming work. The 21 question survey covers everything from when you wrote your first story, to how your writing process has developed, to your experience working with agents and/or editors. All […]

Burst of Creativity Series 004

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 004: You cannot get out of bed this morning. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, and […]

Burst of Creativity Series 002

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 002: You are trapped in a nightmare scenario. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, and what […]

Burst of Creativity Series 001

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Burst of Creativity

Prompt 001: You receive a life changing email. A prompt is a jumping off point for creativity. Though each prompt is technically a complete sentence, add the word “and” to the end of each prompt and let your mind drift, associate, and explore all the possibilities. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, how, why, what if, and what then. […]

Open/Closed Status page for literary agencies

QueryHacker is a new video series that highlights the difficulties of querying for neurodiverse people and shares tips and tricks to make that process a little bit easier. This suggestion came up in Episode 001, available now on our YouTube channel. If a literary agency is looking for a way to make their website more accessible for querying folks, including […]

Anatomy of a Twitter Pitch #5

Pitching on Twitter is an art form unto itself. You only have 280 characters, including hashtags and spaces, to convince a publishing professional your manuscript will be worth the read. Not an easy task! Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some of the successful pitches from #canlitpit 2021 and show why we think the pitch got hearted by publishing […]

How to Write Without Editing

Originally published by NaNoWriMo.org as “How to Write Without Editing for the Sake of your NaNoing Sanity.” Every November, a battle cry can be heard across the globe as writers take up their sharp implements against a common foe—the editor within. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is when everyone asks the same question: is it really possible to write 50,000 […]